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IZL Movingness Masterclass Workshop

Sept 13 (online) 9-12 noon US CT

Wave photo by Finding Dan | Dan Grinwis on Upsplash

Join Movingness founder Peter Appel in this unique IZL masterclass workshop for transformative resilience in leadership and life. 

Experience how somatic movement practices can restore and fortify from the inside out. Reveal possibilities for transformation through the simple, slow and subtle.

Key tenets of Movingness are slowing down and listening up, activating our fascia through relaxed easeful movement, and gently co-creating with our body's energy and rhythm for greater clarity and ease.

Is this for me?
This custom workshop will appeal to Zen Leadership and Movingness practitioners – and to anyone ready to immerse in an 'anytime anywhere' restorative mind-body practice of attunement and interconnectedness. No prior experience is needed.

Peter leading a Movingness practice on zoom for titrating emotions and experiencing the open energy of YES!

A zoom link and calendar invite will be emailed to you after registering. A reminder email with zoom link will be resent before the workshop. 

Seating is limited and registration is non-refundable. If something comes up and you are unable to attend live, a recording of the session will be available.

Note: If you are enrolled in IZL Masterclass, this workshop is included at no extra cost and you are already registered.

Meet Your Instructor 

Peter Appel is a yoga teacher in four traditions and a meditation teacher. He is also a dancer, a mental trainer, a writer, and the founder of Movingness.

What else do I need to know?

For additional questions or more information, please reach out to us.

  • What should I wear?
    Comfortable, loose clothing is ideal, nothing special is needed.
  • What kind of space and equipment do I need?
    A space to stand, sit and lie on the ground, ideally with a little bit of room to extend arms and take a few steps. A stool, chair or meditation cushion to sit on (as you prefer). Note that standing and lying movements can be adapted to sitting, if needed.
  • What if I have pain or physical limitations?
    Movingness is a gently-guided approach to movement that is customized by you for your body at any given moment. The practice is based on sensing and attuning to your own body's needs. Specific movements can usually be adapted to enable most bodies to participate with ease, or with gentle challenge that does not cause discomfort. However, this workshop will not be suited to those experiencing an acute injury or painful physical limitations that prevent general everyday movements as these conditions require a more customized approach than can be offered in an online group setting.
  • Where can I learn more about Movingness?
    See Peter's website for more about Movingness and the many programs offered: https://www.movingness.com/
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  • Total payment
  • 1xMovingness Workshop$40

All prices in USD